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John Brage
Here's What's Up - part 3
For decades, the former Confederacy was a part of the Solid South. In election after election, those states supported the Democratic...
John Brage
Here's What's Up - part 2
The presidential election of 1964 provided a preview of how the new arrangement of political constituencies would look. Although the...
John Brage
Here's What's Up - Part 1
"It is far better to light a candle than to curse the darkness." That's one of those quotes a lot of people have heard. Its origins are...
John Brage
Movie Review: Greenland
Greenland is a 2020 disaster film starring Gerard Butler and Morena Baccarin. MINOR SPOILERS WARNING The premise of the film involves...
John Brage
It Must Be Magic
One of the primary reasons why I chose to write science fiction and fantasy is the availability of technology and magic to "shake things...
John Brage
Star Wars and the Death of Art
I was nine years old when I went to the theater with my Mom to see Star Wars. After the opening crawl that explained the current state of...
John Brage
The Problem With Superman
Superman. The Man of Steel. The Man of Tomorrow. The Big Blue Boy Scout. Whatever you want to call him, he is one of the most iconic...
John Brage
'Zilla. Kong. Let's Do This!
It's finally here. A modern version of Godzilla v. King Kong is set for release in March. This may surprise a lot of people, but this...
John Brage
Some Call It 'Courage'
Bravery is the quintessential heroic quality. A hero has to have some skin in the game. His life has to be on the line. She is the...
John Brage
The Genius of The Road
I write and talk a lot about The Road by Cormac McCarthy. It's a post-apocalyptic novel that delivers profound philosophical quandaries...
John Brage
What's Evil Up To?
Storytelling 101 teaches that a good story must have conflict of some sort. Likely the most common conflict in the history of stories is...
John Brage
Talking About The End Of The World
Dystopia. You know you love it. Something has trashed human society and everyone is scrambling to survive. The Walking Dead. The Book...
John Brage
Genre Shmenre - Who Cares And Why
Indie writers typically belong to a number of discussion groups through social media. Facebook has a lot of them and Twitter has the...
John Brage
From Whence Inspiration?
Where do story ideas come from? I suppose that for some writers they take a familiar story and add a unique twist (or twists) to make it...
John Brage
I'm So Glad You Are Here!
Welcome to my blog. Thank you for subscribing to my website. It is humbling to know that readers will invest some of their precious...
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